Welcome to Oranges - a blog dedicated to everything and anything about Oranges!
date; Monday, January 28, 2008
time; 11:12 PM
Oranges in popular culture
Outspan, a branch of Fyffes, had three "motorized oranges" built in 1972, with bits from a mini, in order to promote their fruit.
In The Godfather and its sequels the presence of oranges on screen indicates an imminent death or injury.
date; Thursday, January 17, 2008
time; 11:12 PM
Oranges and orange juice.
date; Saturday, January 5, 2008
time; 11:11 PM
Top Orange Producers — 2005
Brazil 17.8
United States 8.4
Mexico 4.1
India 3.1
China 2.4
Spain 2.3
Italy 2.2
Iran 1.9
Egypt 1.8
Pakistan 1.6
World Total 61.7
UN Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO